You have a choice: Rebuild your Engine Before
it's Time or Prelubricate it Every Time...
Countless hours of work, and thousands of dollars are invested in your car. After
all of the effort it takes to finish building the car, it will often sit
for weeks or months without being started. When you finally get a chance
to go driving, do you know what happens to your engine's load bearing surfaces?
They have no oil on them because the car was sitting for so long. Why would
you start your engine without oil when it would be so easy to Prelubricate
before it is ever started?
Why Prelubricate Your Engine?
Here are some facts that have been proven many times and are considered
common knowledge by Lubrication Engineers and Top Mechanics...
Facts... |
Over 80-90% of all engine wear occurs in the
first 5-10 seconds when it is first started. Lack of lubrication causes
friction, which causes the wear and damage that occurs. This damage
is accelerated by the length of time between engine startes. |
Prelubrication will increase engine life, reduce
maintenance, decreased friction allows easier starting from the reduced
current draw needed by the starter. |
The resulting wear is accumulative... the "Dry
Starting" of the engine causes "metal-to-metal" friction
at initial startup, however Prelubrication of the engines with oil
eliminates the normal scuffing and friction. "Dry Start"
wear is Preventable... |
all your efforts and investments of both time and money, the last thing
you want to happen is Engine Trouble! Or even worse, who wants
to be driving their new rod across country tow, when something as simple
as Prelubricating your engine before it was started could have prevented
the "Dry Start" damage... damage to the cam, the fuel pump lobe,
rocker arm, valve tip, or even a rod or main bearing. Since this type
of damage accumulates, it is so important to stop it before it happens.
In the past it was a difficult and time consuming proposition
to Prelubricate your engine. Now, with the MasterLube System you have
many options and 2 unique methods to prevent "Dry Start" engine
wear and damage.
With the MasterLube PreLubrication-Accumulator System, you get a state
of the art Patented Electronic Valve & Cylinder that, once installed
in your vehicle, is as simple to use as turning a switch, waiting 3 to
5 seconds for oil pressure to register on the vehicles gauge (your engine
is now full prelubed), releasing the switch, and starting the engine!
Once the engine is running, the system will automatically
be refilled with the oil that was just pushed into the engine. With
the MasterLube System, you can always start your engine and have one less
thing to worry about.
Method 2...
With our TurboLube System, you get the same quality system with a proprietary
valve and "Mechanical Level Control" assembly that is designed
Not to be Permanently Attached or Mounted to the vehicle. The TurboLube
System is capable of Prelubricating the engines of multiple vehicles,
using just one cylinder and valve assembly. By simply adding additional
commercial/aviation quality nipple assemblies to each vehicle, you have
a portable solution to prelube many vehicles... all with a single
cylinder assembly.
Other Applications Marine | Racing
| Street Rod | Exotic
Collector | Motorcycle
Classic Stock Antiques |
Commercial | Tow Vehicles | Aviation |